Tarot Reading, Astrological Story Charts and Wedding Ceremonial Services

Book now @ resilienceapothecary.com – choose your reading. When you book, include your sweet name, your question or issue you’d like to explore and which time you are available from these times (all in EST): Mondays 7pm, 8pm ~ Tuesdays 7pm, 8pm ~ Saturdays 9am, 10am – for the Life Path readings, I will also need your exact birth time information, date and city/state where you were born.

My skills and specialties include professional tarot card readings, Sun/Moon/Rising and Moon Nodes astro birth chart interpretation, non-violent communication and numerology, resilience and experience for survivors of trauma especially childhood sexual abuse, neglect and adverse childhood experiences, self-awareness practices and how to give yourself the power to harness your trauma by choosing conscious behavior changes to alter your path. For individual consultation, please contact: anitamooremagic@gmail.com
$85 per hour

resilienceapothecary.com (Disclaimer my dearest ones: my consulting is not a substitute for psychological therapy. Contact a licensed, clinical therapist/Psychologist if you are experiencing mental health emergencies.)

✨I am a magical, living being and a soul sparkle in a white, cis-female, curvy meat suit.
✨Pisces Sun, Taurus Moon, Scorpio Rising✨

Welcome dearest loved one. Thank you for your time and visit. Please see below for my offerings: Based on your choice of focus, package options for new clients and for returnees are available upon request:

⚡️Quick Dousing Reading – 15 minutes, 3 cards (Past, Present & Future) divination – $15

✨Esoteric Wisdom Reading – 45 minute sessions, 9 cards (Wheel of the Year) divination – $45

💫 Luminous Esoteric Wisdom Reading – 45 minute, 9 cards plus 2 advice cards and a personalized mantra and chanting charm for you, intuited from the reading – $60

🌑🌘🌗🌖🌕 Life Purpose & Astrology Divination Reading – 1 -1.5 hour, 9 cards and chart reading – $125 – This reading requires time for preparation based on your exact time of birth and location, Moon nodes, planet transits and includes visioning your future and destiny based on your choice of focus (listed above). The nodes of the moon are where this destiny information is found and is my specialty.

⭐️Special packages⭐️ (I do not do weekly packages. I also don’t perform Life Purpose astrology readings more than once every six months ~ 🌖🌕🌔 ~ I suggest meditating on your readings for at least 1/2 a moon cycle before receiving another reading). #witcheshonor

🌬🔥Initiate Creation Package – two, 3 card life-path readings per month – $25

🌬🧿Esprit Devotee Package – two, 9 card life path readings per month – $75

🌬🔮Elder Magician/High Priestess Package – two, 9 card life-path readings per month with 2 advice cards – $100

When you purchase your reading, I will contact you via email to set up and schedule our Zoom or Google Hangouts call.

Sliding scale is ALWAYS available upon request. I can do trade work as well. 🙂

You don’t have to have a specific question for our reading, but it is good to have a theme we can focus on like love, career, home, family, spiritual beliefs… you choose! The possibilities are endless. ~~ 15 minutes are included for processing time, i.e. getting to know you, discussing your intentions and questions for the reading
– we will meet via Facetime, Skype, Messenger or Zoom, whichever you prefer.

– Payment via debit/credit cards (I have a Square reader), Paypal, Venmo, personal check are all gladly accepted. Tips are welcome for the service also.

Invite me to your event/party to read tarot – people are so down. I charge $50 for an hour for parties and events.

** Typical reading process: We will take a breath to center ourselves together. Next, we briefly discuss your question or topic and I will choose an appropriate card spread for you & lay the cards out for you to choose from. You choose your cards.

I will tell you the story I see & answer your inquiry through the messages & themes told in the cards. We will look into where you are presently & the active course you’ll need to take to get to what is next for you according to the cards’ guidance.

You will leave the readings with a clear vision, validation, & prepared to make the necessary shifts in your evolution. Many messages will affirm what you already know. Some messages may give you pause to take a step back & evaluate your existing path/choices/decisions. We will discuss how to incorporate what you’ve learned from the reading & into your life.

You don’t have to have a specific question for our reading, but do have a theme we can focus on. Blessings. – 15 minutes are included for processing time, i.e. getting to know you, discussing your intentions and questions for the reading – we will meet via Facetime, Skype, Messenger or Zoom, (in person if you live nearby) whichever you prefer.

– Payment via debit/credit cards (I have a Square & Stripe), Paypal, Venmo, CashApp and personal check are all gladly accepted. Tips are also welcome for the service.

Email me to make an appointment. Payment will be made prior to reading. Please read these guidelines prior to purchasing a reading: https://anitalorraine.com/anita-lorraine-moore-ethical-guidelines/